Some functionalities of a mobile phone may not be required for all time, for example, Mobile internet (Wi-Fi/3G/GPRS), Silent mode, Airplane mode, GPS and Bluetooth, etc. Although, all these features can be enabled or disabled manually, most often people forget to do so and went into trouble. Here is how to automate such features in our Android phone with a little app called Connection Planner.

With Connection Planner, we can set the hours and days we want to activate mobile internet, airplane mode, silent mode (set at night to avoid e-mail notifications, or Google Talk), and Bluetooth or GPS mode (set to activate at the time you usually take your car). We can also lock the mobile internet connection permanently to control data usage.


How to use and configure Connection Planner:

1. Install Connection Planner app from the Android Market and run it. Tap on any feature you want to pre-program, for example, Wi-Fi Mode.


2. Now, tap on the configure icon (see screenshot above) and then tap on the phone’s menu (usually shown below left of your handset) to add settings.


3. Select a day from the calendar (or all days) and schedule the time that you want to activate your Wi-Fi. Finally save your settings by tapping on the save button.


4. The above procedure is same for all other features such as Mobile data, Bluetooth, GPS, Airplane Mode, and Silent Mode.

You can on or off the Connection Planner by using the slider button shown at the top of the program window.
Download Connection Planner (Android Market).

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.