CustomDroid is an open source alternative to CyanogenMod Installer that makes anyone, even non-techie users, to install custom ROM on their Android phone hassle free. While CyanogenMod Installer lets you flash CyanogenMod ROMs only, CustomDroid lets you flash a wide variety custom ROMs. It unlocks the bootloader (on selected devices), flash a custom recovery, and then flash a custom ROM.

Installing a custom ROM on Android phone is potentially a complex affair, especially for non-tech savvies. It requires rooting and unlocking the device, finding a suitable ROM for the phone, and then starts flashing the firmware using a dedicated app or via recovery. CustomDroid makes all that process hands-free, so any one can flash a custom ROM on their phone with very little effort.



Currently the installer supports only a few devices such as Nexus 4, Nexus 7, Nexus 10, Galaxy Nexus, Nexus S, Nexus One and HTC One. Support for more devices will be added soon.

Also, it only supports GSM variants and the HTC One users need to make sure the bootloader unlock key (“Unlock_code.bin”) file is present in the root folder of the application, else it will not be able to unlock its bootloader.

Installing a custom ROM often provides extra tools and options, including some that can boost the performance of your device. Applications like CustomDroid let newbies to flash custom rom on their phone.

Please note that this app still in alpha stage, you will get more details and download at source here.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.