Last year we had written an article here that describes how to enable Apple’s browser Safari’s Reader feature in Google Chrome. Safari’s Reader feature offers distraction free webpage text reading, which is quite useful for reading newspapers, blog posts or any other article online. Here is another way to improve your online reading with Clearly Chrome extension from Evernote.

With Clearly extension, you can strips out all advertisements and extraneous layout from a webpage just with a click. You can also increase or decrease font size, change text and background color to improve your reading experience and reduce your eyestrain.



From the plug-in option page (chrome://settings/extensionSettings) you can customize the keyboard shortcut for your convenience, and you can create your own custom theme (background, text, etc) for Clearly.


Moreover, if you have an account with Evernote, you can save the page to your Evernote to read them anywhere using Evernote apps.

Clearly extension for Google Chrome (download it here) is certainly very useful to view news stories and other articles in a very easy to read, clutter-free, scrollable display.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.