Instagram recently added a new feature to its app called “Activity Status” and starts displaying a green dot next to the profile photo. It let your contacts know when you are online. It means, you cannot read your friends’ posts without letting them know you are online, i.e. you cannot be private on Instagram.

Here is how to turn off Activity Status indicator to go private on Instagram. Of course, this new feature makes us easier to engage with our friends in real time, but for people who want private on Instagram this might not be a welcome feature. Fortunately, disabling the Activity Status and the green dot is very simple.


Announced in an official blog post, only friends or users you have messaged will be able to see the activity status syndicator.

“When your friends are active on Instagram, you’ll see a green dot next to their profile picture in various spaces within the app, including the Direct inbox and your friend list when you share a post from feed. You will only see status for friends who follow you or people who you have talked to in Direct”.


Also Read: More Instagram tips, news and guide

To disable Activity Status indicator on Instagram, follow the instruction given below:

– Open Instagram app on your phone and tap on your profile photo.

– Tap on Settings (3 vertical dots at the top right corner)

– Scroll down and under Privacy and Security header tap on Activity Status

– Turn off the option Show Activity Status.

The option will be now grayed out now, means you turned off the activity status indicator.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.