Samsung Galaxy Note 9 was launched a few days back. Runs on Android 8.1 Oreo, the phablet comes with several new exciting features and enhancements. With N9 ROM Port (Nemesis ROM), users can enjoy all Galaxy Note 9 features on their Galaxy S9 and S8+. The Nemesis custom ROM can be installed on global variant Galaxy S9/S9+ running Exynos processors.

Developed by the XDA senior member geiti94, Nemesis ROM is a full Galaxy Note 9 port, including all apps, Frameworks, priv-app and even libs. It means the custom ROM will bring pure Galaxy Note 9 experience on Galaxy S9/S9 Plus. Interested users can download and flash the ROM via TWRP.


Samsung Galaxy S9

The status of Nemesis Note 9 Port is stable (v1.0), which means users can use it as a daily driver. The only known bug is Wi-Fi don’t turn on by self on boot (turn it on manually from notification center). However, note that since this is a modified custom ROM, you may experience unknown bugs while using your phone.

Also Read: Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Apps, Launcher, Ringtones & Wallpaper for Download

How to install Note 9 ROM port on Galaxy S9/S9 Plus (Exynos Variants)

Disclaimer: Follow the instruction at your own risk. We will not be liable if any damage occurs to your device and/or its components. This is recommended for technically talented users only.

1. Download the Note 9 ROM zip file and Camera fix for N9 port from source.

2. Save all the zip files on your phone.

3. Boot the device into TWRP recovery.

4. Select ‘Backup’ and create backup of all partitions.

5. Select ‘Wipe’ > Advanced wipe > select Dalvik, System, Data, Cache and then swipe to wipe.

6. Select ‘Install’, navigate and select the ROM zip file for flash.

7. Your device will enter into Aroma installer. Select the features you want, and then start the installation.

8. Reboot your phone and setup your device.

9. Once again, reboot into TWRP, select ‘Install’ and flash Camera fix file. Then reboot and enjoy your new ROM.

Enjoy all the new features of Samsung’s latest phablet on your old phone.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.