The free-to-use, cross-platform messaging service, WhatsApp, has several features built-in to meet users’ various needs. For example, you can use the service to send and receive several types of files instantly. Not just photos, audio, and video files, you can send documents, zip files, and binary files.
As you may know, WhatsApp compresses every photo and other image file by up to 70% before sending. It helps the service share files more quickly without occupying too much of your system resources. Now, if you want to send a photo on WhatsApp without compromising its quality, there are a couple of tricks.
Update [18 August 2023]: WhatsApp now officially lets you share HD quality images via the platform. Once you select an image for sharing, you will see a HD icon next to the Crop icon. Tap on the HD icon and choose the standard compressed quality or HD quality when sharing images. The recipient will see an HD icon appended to the lower left corner of the image preview, indicating it is HD.
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Here are a few simple tricks to send image files on WhatsApp without lowering their quality. For this purpose, you can use document sharing, send via zip files, through Google Drive, via WhatsApp Web, or using third-party apps like WeTransfer. This guide uses the document sharing method to send photos without lowering quality.
How to Send Photos on WhatsApp Without Compressing the Quality?
1. Open WhatsApp on your Android phone and choose a chat or contact.
2. Next, tap on the Attachments (paper clip) icon and select the Document option. It will open File Explorer on your phone.
3. Navigate to the image folder and choose the photo you want to send in full quality.
4. To send multiple photos, long-press on an image and select other photos.
5. Tap on the Send option to send your photos as a document.
In this method, your photos will not go for compression, and WhatsApp will send them to the recipient, keeping the original size and quality.
Alternate Methods to Send Photos on WhatsApp Without Lowering Quality
The above-given method is the simplest method to send photos in their original quality via WhatsApp on Android phones. There are other options as well. For example, you can use WhatsApp, but it requires a PC. Another option is using the Google Drive share option, but first, you need to store the photos on Google Drive.
Another simple method to send photos in their original quality is by zipping. You can use the File Explorer app on your Android phone to zip your images and send them on WhatsApp.
Above mentioned are the best methods to send your photos in their original quality and size. WhatsApp will not compress and lower the quality of photos. However, depending on the file size, downloading images will take some time.
Note: The article was first published in August 2022 and updated in August 2023 with new changes.
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