Razer Phone was launched as a gaming phone with gaming features like 120Hz display, game booster, etc. Launched with Android 7.1.1 Nougat, the phone recently received the latest Android 8.1 Oreo update as developer preview. Now the company released stable version of Android 8.1 Oreo for Razer phone, which will be available through OTA or can be download and flash factory image manually.

Razer Phone has uploaded Android 8.1 Oreo factory images for the device that you can download and flash manually on your Razer Phone (code-named Cheryl). For example, if your device is running on Oreo developer preview, then you need to download and flash the stable Android 8.1 Oreo factory image manually.


Android 8.1 Oreo factory image released for Razer-Phone

Installing factory images on Razer Phone is not a too complicated process, but its bootloader must be unlocked. Keep in mind that, the process will void your device’s warranty. In addition, installing this factory image will erase all data from the device, so back up all data before proceeding.

The below guide let you know how to flash stock firmware (factory image) or Razer phone manually. It requires a PC with ADB and Fastboot driver setup.

Installation Instruction:

– Unlock Razer phone bootloader (guide)

– Download 8.1 Oreo factory image (OPM1.171019.011-RZR-180329.4054), unzip it and save where ADB is installed on your PC.

– Enable USB Debugging and OEM Unlock on your phone.

– Connect the phone to PC over USB, go to the ADB installation folder and open a command window from there

– Execute the command adb reboot bootloader.

– From the unzipped firmware file, execute the flash_all script.

This script installs the necessary files for your Razer Phone. Once the script finishes, your Phone will reboot. You should now lock the bootloader for security. (Source)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.