Android 5.1 Lollipop update for Indian Android One devices has confirmed and will receive the OTA (over the air) update soon on your device. Users who cannot wait for Google to officially release the Android 5.1 OTA update can install the update manually on their Android One phones such as Spice Dream UNO, Karbonn Sparkle V, Micromax Canvas A1.



Captured by an XDA contributor ghpranav, this official Android 5.1 Lollipop OTA update (build LMY47O) is meant for Micromax Canvas A1and can be installed via stock or custom recovery. Users of Karbonn Sparkle V and Spice Dream Uno phones need to make small changes in the build.prop file. Read on to know how to install official Android 5.1 OTA update manually.

Besides the Lollipop features, this new Android 5.1 update will fix many bugs found in the previous build, such as memory leak issues, battery issues, sudden app closing without warning issue and bring several performance improvements to the phone.

Because this is an official OTA, you do not need to factory reset your device for installing this Android 5.1 Lollipop OTA update. Therefore, you will not lose your data while flashing this new firmware. Also, you will get the official updates from Google in future.

WARNING: Follow the instruction at your own risk. We will not be liable if any damage occurs to your device and/or its components. The procedure is recommended for technically talented users only.

Install Official Android 5.1 Lollipop OTA Update Manually on Android One Devices

Before you start flashing the firmware, make sure that your device is running on the stock ROM. However, you can install it on a rooted or non-rooted and custom recovery installed phone.

1. Downloads Android 5.1 Lollipop OTA Zip file for Micromax Canvas A1 [HERE], Karbonn Sparkle V [HERE] and Spice Dream UNO [HERE]

2. Copy the downloaded firmware zip file to your phone memory

3. Boot your phone into recovery mode. To do so, power off your phone, then press the Power and Volume up buttons at the same time. Now, select recovery mode, you will see a dead Android with exclamation mark and “No Command” written below it. Hold Power, then tap Volume up (follow the order properly) and leave it.

4. In recovery menu, select install zip from SD card option, go to the directory where the OTA Zip file is stored, select it and flash.

5. Once the update process is completed, reboot your phone.


Enjoy Android 5.1 Lollipop on your Android One. (Source – XDA)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. my karbonn titanium machfive had dead and there is my lots of data inside my internal memory so how can i switch it on without losing anything

  2. to update marshmallow,i cant move OTA zip to phone memory.cant copy enything tooo.only 2.35 gb available my karbonn sparkle v.

  3. Can you skip the option? If not, remove the sim and try again. skip Wi-Fi and all and then try. Once entered into home screen insert sim and connect to your google account.

  4. I did a factory reset on my karbonn sparkle v android one having marshmallow it got stuck on checking connection screen ! I tried the solutions in many forums but I found that many people had this issue but none of them have got a solution to this !!! please help !!

  5. Hey, i just downloaded the update for Spice Dream Uno. But the file is not showing in recovery mode. Please reply ASAP.

  6. my mobile is comopletely dead.canvas a1 is install lollipop on it with the help of pc.

  7. Sir can u give me reply about this 5.1 lollipop version update????
    I want to say that if I update it in my canvas a1 then may it harms my mobile or not??
    Reply me soon…… Plzz

  8. i got a new android system update after 5.1.1 with a 18mb size , whenever i try to do it the update crashes , i tried it almost 30 times , plz help me….

  9. Hey frnds is this zip file work on my xolo q2000 or how can i change jellybean version into lollipop version give a best suggestion frnds

  10. Everything worked out fine No glitches Thank you Kannan Installed from zip using Philz Recovery Thanks again

  11. Hey Kannan… Seems there is a stability patch OTA: LMY471 of 4.7 MB, on top of 470.
    You may find info on micromaxtalkies. Please share if you get hands on it.

    Also, any possibilities for YU’s lollipop?

    Yeah, I know, I’m too much greedy 😀

    I will keep an eye on your blogs now on 🙂

    Keep up the good work!

  12. I am trying to update my Micromax A1 .
    I have downloaded the zip file on sd card
    I am trying to flash and install the file. bt there is showing
    ” Signature authenticity failed / Wrong footer”

  13. I was on rooted Micromax A1, with Philz recovery. Obviously OTA failed and all I did is downloaded the OTA file you shared above and installed the zip manually using Philz recovery. Worked like a charm, and I’m on rooted 5.1!!

    I was looking for unrooting, flashing stock recovery, update OTA and then root again. You saved me from a lot of headache!

    Thanks Kannan!! Keep up the good work..

  14. Well. It working on my dream uno. But I know it is not the final released update Build no: LMY471. so it hase tiny bugs. It need a patch to be as final released Build no: LMY471. So please proud the patch link also.

  15. Worked like charm. thanks for the OTA update links. updates many android one devices of Spice, Karbonn and Micromax without any issue.

  16. when installing it shows error E:/tmp/ status 0 installation aborted how to flash it in spice dream uno.. stock rom and stock recovery installed.

  17. ERROR…!! Please think twice before updating.I got WIFI MAC ADDRESS CHANGE error AFTER EVERY REBOOT :'(

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