Recently Microsoft has updated its Android app with new features and a better interface. Unfortunately, this Android app has received a few negative ratings on Play Store, mostly due to login loop issue. Many users have complaints about this re-login issue and Microsoft yet to release a fix for it. However, you can follow below steps to fix the re-login issue of Android app. app for Android asks users for re-login several times in a day. Even if users entered their login credentials correctly, next time it will ask again. If you face trouble syncing your account using Outlook App, try below steps.


1. Firstly, if app is upgraded from the earlier version, clear its cache by going to Settings – Apps – mange applications.

2. If above method is not fixed your issue, uninstall app from your device and reinstall it again from Play Store.

3. If above method not worked for you, run app and go to its settings. Tap on Sync, then tap on Frequency and choose “Every 15 minutes” or so instead of Push.



It should solve your problem. Hope you’ll enjoy this post.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. I’ve been having this problem for a while now and was hit with the double whammy of an Exchange bug which drains the battery. going to try changing the sync period to 15 minutes as suggested and see how that goes. Thanks for the advice!

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