Samsung re-branded its smartphone user interface “Samsung Experience UI” to “One UI” aiming to help users focus on what really matters to them. Samsung’s One UI will be available to all of its supported phones with the Android 9 Pie update. The Pie update is expected to roll out by January 2019. Meanwhile, Samsung invited users to test out the brand new One UI on their Galaxy S9 and S9 Plus.

Samsung One UI Beta Program (Android 9 Pie Beta Program) will be available in US, Korea, China, India and European countries like France, Germany, Poland, Spain and UK. If you own a Galaxy S9 or Galaxy S9 Plus and have keen interest to test out latest features of Samsung’s new Android skin on the device, then sign up for the beta program.


How to sign up for Samsung One UI beta program

Below are the pre-requisites for signing up Samsung’s new One UI beta program. Before that, let us see what the new software offers to users. It mainly focuses on three things:

1) Focus on the task at hand: It is designed to help you focus on what really matters to you. The de-cluttered screen shows relevant information with each tap, so you only get the essentials, one at a time.

2) Interact naturally: With One UI interacting with your phone just feels natural. Content and features will be at your fingertips, so you can get to them faster.

3) Visibly Comfortable: The whole new One UI offers an increased level of comfortable with true Dark Mode experience, a streamlined settings menu with a new layout, and more.

Related: Download Samsung One UI background image for your phone

How to Sign Up for Samsung One UI Beta Program

1. It is very simple. All you need to download the Samsung Members application or Samsung+ application from Galaxy Apps or the Google Play Store to participate in the Samsung One UI Beta Program.

2. After logging in, go to Notices and select “One UI Beta Program Registration” to submit an application.

3. Once approved, you will receive an OTA notification for the One UI update. Just install the OTA and enjoy latest features. (Source – Samsung)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. There’s nothing in nitices section..I can’t join samsung one ui beta program
    My device is note 8

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