Asus has already upgraded a number of its smartphones to latest Android 9 Pie. In addition, the company started upcoming Android 10 (Android Q) beta testing on ZenFone 5z. The ZenFone 4 series devices will get the stable Android Pie update shortly, while early adopters can install the Android 9 Pie beta on their ZenFone 4 (ZE554KL), ZenFone Selfie (ZB553KL/ ZD553KL) and Max (ZC554KL).

Android 9 Pie update for ZenFone 4 is now available for download as beta version. The update comes as software version 16.0620.1905.10 for ZenFone 4 ZE554KL global variant. Users need to download and install the update manually to get the Pie on their device. Keep in mind that once you install the update you cannot downgrade to previous Oreo version, also you will not get any OTA update.


Asus Zenfone 4

Here is how to download and install Android 9 Pie beta (build WW_16.0620.1905.10) on Asus ZenFone 4 ZE554KL global variant. The update will bring features like new UI, adaptive battery, adaptive brightness, new navigation gestures, dark theme, digital wellbeing, new notification system, latest security patches and more to the device.

Before starts proceeding with the below steps, do remember to backup all users data. These updates will factory reset the device. In addition, you cannot go back to the previous Oreo version and will not get any OTA update. It means users need to install the stable Pie update manually.

Download and Install Android Pie beta on ZenFone 4

Interested users download the beta Pie firmware on their device by downloading the OTA file (ZenFone 4 ZE554KL_ WW_16.0620.1905.10) from below.

Download: AOSP Pie Beta (WW_16.0620.1905.10) for ZE554KL

After downloading the required file, follow the installation instruction given in this post.
[Source – Asus]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.