The latest version of Google Play Music app has offers plenty of new features to get your teeth stuck in to. However, some users have reported an annoying issue they were came by with this app. Even if they are not running the app, it stays in the background and occupies a part of phone memory unnecessarily.



Unfortunately, there are no ultimate solutions to avoid this behavior, but here we will try to give you a number of suggestions to solve the issue.

Firstly, if you do not need this app, definitely, you can uninstall it from your device. However, it is not always possible on all devices. For instance, in Galaxy S4 the Play Music app is a system app, so you can’t uninstall it normally.

The only way to remove it is by manually deleting the file “Music2.apk” from / system / app. It requires root privileges and a file explorer app.

Another good solution is by temporarily disabling the app from the device. Anyone can simply do it from the Task manager and no root privilege is required.

Just open the Task Manager and look for Google Play Music. Then click the Disable button and the app will disappear from your device. However, you can enable it again at any time.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.