The flagship smartphone from Google, the Pixel 7 and Pixel Pro, comes with some exclusive features, for example, cough and snore detection. Pixel 7 smartphones can distinguish between normal and abnormal breathing, like the snore or coughing. You can use the report generated by the phone to take the required actions to deal with the situation.

Pixel 7 series uses its microphone and the new Tensor 2 processor to detect cough and snore. Currently, this feature is only available in the Pixel 7 series. Older Pixel phones and all Android phones can add the cough and snore detection feature via third-party apps. There are many apps available on the Play Store for this purpose.


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Cough and Snore detection feature on Android

Before getting into the subject, let us know how to enable the cough and snore detection feature on a Pixel 7 phone. It is a part of the Digital well-being feature.

How to Enable Cough and Snore Detection Feature on Pixel 7 and 7 Pro?

1. On your Pixel 7, go to Settings and tap on the Digital Wellbeing & parental controls option.

2. In Digital Wellbeing settings, select the Bedtime Mode.

3. Under the Weekly Bedtime summary, tap on the Cough and Snore Info button.

4. Grant the required permissions to turn on the Cough and Snore feature.

How to enable cough and snore detection on Pixel 7

That is all how to turn on Cough and Snore detection on Pixel 7 series phones. Now here is how to get this feature on other Android phones.

How to Get Cough and Snore Detection Feature on Any Android Phone?

Currently, the cough and snore detection is an exclusive feature of Pixel 7 series. Google may bring this feature to other phones as well. However, there are many apps available on the Play Store for monitoring your snore and cough. Below are some of the apps to use this purpose.

Hyfe Cough Tracker – The app detects cough, tracks cough frequency, and helps you identify your cough trends.

Install the app from Play Store (link) and start it. Sign in with an account and give the required permissions. Whenever you cough, the phone will record and generate a graph.

Snore and Cough is another app that records your snoring and coughing sounds during sleep.

Install the app from Play Store (link) and start it. Enable the required permissions and tap on the Start button to begin recording audio and analyze your cough pattern.

SnoreLab app helps you monitor your snore, measures how loud you are snoring, and tracks it over time.

Install the app from Play Store (link) and run it. Give the required permissions, and tap on the Start button to begin recording the snore.

SnoreClock is another app to check if you snore. Install the app from the Play Store (link) and start it.
After giving the required permissions, tap on the Red button to start recording your snore. The app will generate a graph, and the red bars show where you are most likely to snore.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.