Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro was launched in India last month with Android 7.1.1 Nougat (MIUI 9.2). Xiaomi has also launched the same device in China (it is Redmi Note 5 in China) with slight changes for camera and Android 8.1 Oreo (MIUI 9.5) update. Some users were able to flash the Android 8.1 Oreo build on their Indian Redmi Note 5 Pro and found that the build bring Project Treble compatibility to the device.

Of course, the global variant Redmi Note 5 Pro will get the Android 8.1 Oreo based MIUI 9 ROM update anytime soon. However, tech-savvy owners of Redmi Note 5 Pro can try the Android 8.1 Oreo based MIUI 9.5 China Stable ROM on their device right now and experience the features right now.


redmi note 5 pro

Thanks to XDA senior member Shrisangram for sharing the MIUI 9.5 (V9.5.4.0.OEICNFA) China Stable ROM. You can flash the fastboot ROM via Mi Flash tool and enjoy the Android 8.1 Oreo update along with Project Treble compatibility.

Project Treble is an Android Oreo feature that attempts to address slow Android update schedules by allowing manufacturers to push out Google’s most recent OS without having to wait on their chip partner, like Qualcomm, to support it”.

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How to Install Android 8.1 Oreo (MIUI 9.5 China Stable ROM) on Redmi Note 5 Pro

Disclaimer: Follow the instruction at your own risk. We will not be liable if any damage occurs to your device and/or its components. It is recommended for technically talented users only.

1. Download V9.5.4.0.OEICNFA China Stable ROM [here] and Mi Flash tool [here].

2. Run Mi-Flash tool on your PC. Click on ‘Browse’ and select the ROM.tgz file.

3. On Mi-Flash tool, click on the Refresh button. You will see the connected device (COM 3/COM 4).

4. Choose ‘Flash_all’ option (shown at the bottom of the app window) and click on Flash and it will start a process.

5. Once flashing process completes, you will see the message “The operation completed successfully.”

6. Disconnect the phone from PC and reboot it. It will take aground 10 minutes to complete the booting process.

Note: To return to MIUI 9 Global stable ROM (Android 7.1.1 Nougat), download the ROM [here] and flash via Mi Flash Tool. (Source – XDA)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.