If you signing in Windows 8 with your Microsoft account, apps like Messaging, Mail, People, Calendar, etc. will automatically sign in. However, some people may not like this auto sign in feature, especially of Messaging app. If you’re one of those, who doesn’t want auto sign in Windows 8, here is how to turn off this feature and particularly of Messaging app.

If you want to disable auto sign in of Messaging app in Windows 8, you can do that in three ways.


Method 1– Run Messaging app and click Win + I (while you are inside of the Messaging app) keys on your keyboard. Click “Settings” and then select “Options”. Move the slider to the left to permanently sign off. Remember, this will sign you out of from Facebook also.


Method 2– By disabling “Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant” option: You can disable auto login feature of Windows 8 by disabling Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant option. Remember, it’ll also sign you out of from all services and apps.


To disable “Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant”, open Control panel and click on “System and Security”. Then click on “Administrative Tools” and launch Services. On Services, find “Microsoft Account Sign-in Assistant”. Right click it and select “stop” to disable this service, and then restart your PC.

Method 3 – By creating a local account, you can disable the auto login feature of Windows 8. However, this will also sign you out of from every service and app.


To create a local account, press Win + I keys on keyboard and click “Change PC Settings”. Under users click on “Create a local account”. Then, restart your PC. That’s all.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.