The Windows 8.1 update added many features to benefit desktop users. For instance, users can now completely replace the Start Screen with the Apps view, which lists all the apps installed on the system. You can filter the listed apps by date, most used, category and on name basis. The Apps view can be considered as an old start menu as you can access all apps from there.

Some users might want to go to the Apps view instead of the normal Start screen with live tiles when they go to the Start screen. Here is how you can force Windows 8.1 to go App view when switching to Start Screen.



How to Force Windows 8.1 to go App View when Switching to Start Screen

1. Right click the Taskbar and select Properties.


2. Under Navigation tab, check the “Show the Apps view automatically when I go to Start option”. Click Ok to save the settings. That’s it!

The above method could save one extra step for you to get the all listed apps on your screen. That is, you don’t need to click the down arrow button to view the Apps view.

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Ishanvi is the content writer for She loves to share her knowledge with others through blogging.