Google has released an early preview of Android N, the next iteration of Android OS with new features like multi-window, direct reply for notification, night mode, etc. and UI changes. Along with the release, Google has also launched an Android Beta program through which users will receive the Android N developer preview OTA updates on their registered Nexus device. Android N developer preview is available only for the Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, Nexus 9, Pixel C and the Nexus Player.

Here we will discuss the new features of Android N Developer preview, how to sign up for Android Beta program to get Android N OTA update and how to download and install Android N factory image manually. Major features included in Android N are multi-window support, redesigned notification with directly reply and the new data saver mode which will reduce the mobile data usage automatically.



Major New Features of Android N

Multi-window mode: A highlighted features of Android N is multi-window multitasking feature. With it, you can have two apps running side-by-side on your device. Either you can activate this feature by long pressing the Recent Apps button or dragging and dropping an app card in the Recent Apps screen.


Renovated Notification: The new notification panel comes with features like Direct Reply, bundled notifications, quick toggles to Wi-Fi, Data Saver and others. Direct Reply lets you respond to a message right from within the notification panel itself. Also, the new notification panel is now more sleek and customizable.


Data Saver mode: This new feature lets you save mobile data on your phone. In this mode, Android N reduces mobile data usage by restricting background running apps data usage. However, you can whitelist any app if it need to access internet.


There are various new features and changes like the night mode, revamped settings menu and more in Android N. However, all these features may or may not include in the final build.

How to Sign up for Android beta program

Note that this is an early preview of Android N, which is not perfect for daily use, as it contain bugs and performance issues. Uses are advices to wait for the final release, which will be released sometimes in Q3 of this year 2016.

1. Go to Android Beta program website [HERE] and sign in with the same Google account that is currently syncing on your Nexus device.

2. Now, tap on ‘Enroll Device’ button and accept the terms and conditions to join the Bata program.

3. Up on joining, you will receive the Android N OTA notification on your device. Download the update (above 1GB) and install it.


Note that Google will also rollout OTA update to update all registered devices under the Android Beta program to the final version of the OS.

How to Download and Install Android N Dev. Preview Factory image manually

If you have difficulty in downloading the OTA update on your device. Follow the manual installation method. This method will ERASE your device, so make sure you have backed everything up first. It is recommended for tech-savvy users only.

1. First, download the Android factory image for your device [HERE]

2. Setup ADB and fastboot drives on your PC and follow the flashing instruction as described [HERE]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.