One of the best features of WhatsApp is Status which lets you inform your contacts what you are doing, what you are thinking, or something like that via text, photos, videos, and gif images. WhatsApp now lets you add your current location or nearby area to your status. So your contacts can know where you are now.
As said above, WhatsApp Status gives your friends and family an idea of what you are doing and where you are now and allows them to find out if you are online or offline. The latest version of WhatsApp has an option to add your current location as a sticker to your status. Here is how to do it.
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How to Add Location to Your WhatsApp Status?
1. Install the latest WhatsApp beta version on your phone.
2. Open WhatsApp, select the Status tab and tap on the My status plus icon.
3. Take a photo of your location or a picture of a thing near you.
4. Now, tap on the Emoji icon.
5. You will see a few items under the Content Stickers option. Choose the Location button from the list.
6. Next, tap on the Select your current location option.
7. Finally, add a caption (if required) and send your status to your contacts and family.
You can also select various places near you instead of the current location. So that is how to add your current location to your WhatsApp status.
As you all know, to send and receive status updates, you and your contacts must have each other’s phone numbers saved in your phone address books. For more privacy, you can allow a specific contact or a few contacts to see your location status. You can choose it from the Privacy settings of WhatsApp. However, your status will disappear after 24 hours.
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