Nokia Lumia smartphone has a feature called Glance Screen, which brings the always-on clock on the display screen, even when the phone is in standby mode. Now, besides the clock, you can add your own personalized background images on the Glance Screen to spruce up your Lumia screen. Nokia released a Glance Background app (still in beta) with which users can easily customize the backgrounds of their Glance screen.



For your information, Glance Screen is available as Amber update on devices such as Nokia Lumia 720, 820, 920, 925 and 1020. However, due to hardware restrictions, Glance will not be available for Lumia 520, 521 and 625.

Glance Background app (beta) can be downloaded from Windows Phone Store. The app comes with few pre-defined background images to customize your Glance screen, but you can add your favorite images from your gallery and convert it for Glance.

Once you selected an image, you can add different color effects (colorize, zoom, etc.) to the image and convert it to use in Glance using the simple editor. However, keep in mind that, not every picture is suitable for Glance Screen, because, in order to save your phone’s battery, all images will be converted into low quality 8-bit image. [Via]

You can download Glance Background from Windows Phone Store

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. I need to to thank you for this very good read!!Actually I have not such a device’ but knowing this information is great!

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