WhatsApp recently introduced a new ‘Delete for Everyone’ feature, which lets users delete the message or image sent to a contact or group. This option will delete message from both sender and recipient device. Curious to know what was the deleted message or image, then the WhatsRemoved app will help. This app lets you view deleted WhatsApp messages and images.

WhatsApp’s ‘delete for everyone’ option is certainly a welcome feature and very useful if you sent a particular message to a wrong group or if the message you sent contains a mistake. WhatsApp will remove the message and image from recipient device if you use this option within 7 minutes after sending the message.


However, with app like WhatsRemoved the recipient can still view the deleted messages and images. The app is a free download on Play Store and very easy to use. Here is how to set up and use the app.

First, download and install WhatsRemoved from Play Store. Open the app after the installation. It will show three options (see screenshot below).

Choose the desired method to retrieve the deleted message, for example ‘Detect only deleted message’ and give the necessary permissions to the app.

viw deleted whatsapp messages

You are now ready to view deleted WhatsApp messages and images. However, note that the image recovery option may not work always, as the images are not always downloaded to your phone. Depending on your settings, they may or may not be downloaded.

To detect WhatsApp media files, such as images, voice note, video and audio, you should first enable required items in the settings menu. Also, enable the option ‘Prevent Android from closing WhatsRemoved with a permanent notification’ in the settings menu for proper working of the app.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.