Xiaomi has launched its new mid-range smartphone Redmi K30 with a 120Hz refresh rate display and Snapdragon 730G processor. A 5G variant K30 is also available with Snapdragon 765G processor. The best thing about both devices is the 120Hz refresh rate display with HDR10 support. Redmi K30 is also featuring stunning wallpapers, which you can download from below link in FHD+ quality.

Xiaomi Redmi K30 stock wallpapers are created for its FHD+, 20:9-ratio display. We have four wallpapers in FHD+ resolution (1080 x 2400-pixel resolution) from the device, which you can download for your phone from the link below. Let us check the specs of the devices.

Xiaomi Redmi K30
Xiaomi Redmi K30

Redmi K30 Specs:

Redmi K30 sports a 6.67-inches FHD+ 120Hz refresh rate display. The IPS LCD has 1080 x 2400 pixels resolution and 20:9 aspect ratios. It also features HDR10 and Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection.

Redmi K30 features a 64MP (wide) + 8MP (ultra-wide) + 2MP (depth sensor) + 2 MP (macro camera) on the back. On the front, the phone features 20Mp + 2MP dual lenses, which is under the display.

Regarding the processor, storage, and RAM, Redmi K30 comes with Snapdragon 730G (8mm) processor (Snapdragon 765G processor for 5G variant) with Adreno 618 GPU. The device will be available in 64GB storage/6GB RAM, 128GB storage/6GB/8GB RAM, and 256GB storage/8GB RAM (UFS2.1).

The device comes with a 4500-mAh battery with 27W fast battery charging and available in blue, red, and purple colors.

Download Redmi K30 Wallpapers

If you are interested, download the Redmi K30 stock wallpapers from the link below. The wallpaper zip contains 4 wallpapers in FHD+ resolution. We will add more wallpaper from the device when they are available.


If you are looking for other devices wallpapers, check our wallpaper download section.
