Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus come with a dedicated Bixby button on the side of the handset. By pressing the Bixby button will launch Samsung’s AI assistant Bixby. However, if you would like to launch ‘Google Now’ when you press the dedicated Bixby button on Galaxy S8/S8+, there is a new solution to remap the Bixby button. There was an old method to remap Bixby button, but it will not work anymore now. Samsung patched the software with an update to block the ability.

However, a simple app called ‘BixRemap’ lets you remap the Bixby button on Galaxy S8/S8+ to launch Google Now, but in a different way. Thanks to the developer Dave Bennett, when you press the dedicated Bixby button, first it looks for Bixby assistant in the foreground and launches Google Now on top of it.


If you are interested to launch the Google Now instead of Bixby by pressing the Bixby button, try the BixRemap app. It is a free download [HERE] on Play store. Install the app, open it and activate the service.


Samsung’s virtual assistant Bixby is more or less like to Google Assistant (we are not sure how smart Bixby is compared to Google Assistant yet). It is constantly learning how you use your phone, and helps you to do everything you want.

“Bixby is integrated into every aspect of the Galaxy S8 and S8+, so it’s able to handle the tasks you normally do on your phone and it’s constantly learning your ways so it can continually get better” (Source – Reddit)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.