Motorola has updated its Camera 2 app with Spot Color feature and available for Moto G5 Plus and other Moto phones runs Android Nougat and above. The Spot Color feature was first appeared in Moto X4 that allows you to take stunning photos by maintaining one color in the image and keeping all other elements black and white (monochrome).

The updated Camera 2 app (version will be available soon on Play store and may work on all Moto phones runs Android Nougat and above. If you have not received the updated camera app on your Moto G5 Plus yet, but want to try it right, below is the link for new Camera app with Spot Color feature, thanks to the XDA member Saadatrm.



If you have not received the new camera update yet, check it by heading to Play Store [HERE]. Alternatively, download the Camera 2 app v7.1.9.6 APK with Spot Color function [HERE] and install it manually on your phone.

Now, here is how to use Spot Color feature on your Moto G5 Plus. With this feature, you can take photos images selecting only a certain color to keep creating a pop effect.

Spot Color Camera Feature

[image credit]

1. Open the Camera app and on the viewfinder, touch Image and select Spot Color.

2. Now, touch the area of the image where you want to keep the color.

3. You can use the slider to adjust how much or how little color you want to keep on the photo you are taking.

4. Then touch Image to capture your photo.

That’s it! Enjoy your new camera app and create pop effect with the new Spot Color feature. (Source – XDA)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.