Google starts rolling out its one-to-one video calling app Duo for Android devices. Duo was announced earlier this year at Google I/O and now it is publically available for both Android and iOS devices. Though not yet available in all regions, it is expected that the app will be open up for download in most countries in the coming days.

Various video calling app like Skype, Facebook, Hangouts, etc. are available for Android phones, but what make Google’s Duo is different from others are its simplicity, fast and reliability. Though it misses some features like group video calling, Duo is be able to bring better audio and video quality, even over slow connections, thanks to Google’s WebRTC framework.



You can use Duo even on 2G connection. When your data connection dropped to 2G, still you will hear the audio. Only the video is paused. For video calls on the go, Duo will switch between Wi-Fi and cellular data automatically without dropping your call.

Features of Duo:

Simple interface: Pick a loved one and jump right in, with a simple interface that brings video to the forefront.

Knock Knock: See the caller before you pick up with Duo’s live preview feature.

High quality video: Experience faster and more reliable video calls whether you’re on WiFi or on-the-go.

Cross-platform: Video calls all your friends across Android and iOS with just one simple app.

Duo is quite simple to use. Once installed [Download here], all you need is your phone number and you will be able to call people in your phone’s contacts list. No separate account is required. You can instantly begin a video call with a single tap (source – Google)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.