Google launched two new Android apps on Play Store named “Live Transcribe” and “Sound Amplifier”. Both apps are designed for hearing impaired users. Live Transcribe app converts speech into text in real-time, which you can see on your screen. The Sound Amplifier app boosts sounds and minimizes disturbing background noise, which is useful in noisy area.

Live Transcribe is a new accessibility service for Android smartphone. The app convert any speech receive from the microphone into text in real-time and supports more than 70 languages. It helps deaf and hard of hearing Android users to participate in two-way conversations via a type-back keyboard, understand TV news, and more.



Live Transcribe uses Google’s state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition technology. We noticed that the app performs very well and the response is quite fast. It reads voice quite fastly and accurately.

Download: Live Transcribe is currently an early access beta app. It is available for download on Play Store. Go to the Play Store here to download and install the app.

After installing the app on your phone, enable it in Accessibility Settings. Once done, you can start Live Transcribe from the accessibility button on the navigation bar.

Sound Amplifier: This is a new app for Android 9 Pie and above. This is also an accessibility service for Android smartphone. It helps you keep your conversations in loud environments by boosting quiet sounds. The app reduces unwanted or distracting noises and bring a more comfortable and natural listening experience.

Download: Sound Amplifier is available for download on Play Store. It requires Android 9 Pie and above version. If you are interested, download the app from Play Store here.

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1. Google “Voice Access” app lets control your phone completely hands free
2. How to get Google Assistant’s 6 new voices on Android

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.