CyanogenMod has released first stable build (Snapshot) of CM13 for OnePlus One and few other devices. Based on the Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow, CyanogenMod 13 brings Marshmallow’s new Doze battery saving functionality and new personalized app permissions model, along with the CM features like new SMS app, Snap Camera (on supported devices), new Privacy Guard, theme engine and more.

This is the first snapshot (stable) build for CyanogenMod 13, which means soon you will be able to enjoy Android Marshmallow on your device, even if the manufacturer stops official support for the latest Android versions. Also, one of the main advantages of the CM13 custom ROM is that it combines a near stock look and feel, at the same time enables users to customize their devices completely.



Official CyanogenMod 13 snapshot builds are now available for OnePlus One [HERE] [HERE] and other devices. However, before start installing the new OS, let us see how to update your phone to the stable version of CyanogenMod 13.

1. As always, for installing CM 13 requires latest version of TWRP custom recovery installed on the phone with root access. Also, back up all data you have on your phone before start installing the ROM.

[For CM 13 installation instruction, read this guide]

2. If you are  running on CM13 Nightly build, do not flash Snapshot build right away. Wipe system and then install CM13 snapshot (clean install).

3. If you are running on CyanogenMod 12.1, boot your phone into TWRP recovery mode and flash CM13 right away (dirty flash).

4. In both the case, please note that, before rebooting your phone into CM13, flash Gapps (Google apps) as well, otherwise you will come across issues due to the new permissions model of Marshmallow (source).

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.