There are so many apps on the Play store coming up these days for enabling your flashlight as a torch, but to turn the torch on and off is a cumbersome job. This is because you have to unlock the phone, open the torch app to turn it on and off. There is, however, a faster way to turn the light on and off that involves only a simple click and no taping.

And that faster way is double click the power button that’s located usually on the right side of the phone. You do not need to swipe unlock the phone, open the torch app or tap the torch app widget. All you need to double click the power button and the flash light turns on and off. Read on to know how it is.


ClickLight is free download on Play store that enables a faster way to turn on and off your Android Phone’s flashlight. Once installed and configured you only need to double click the power button at any time to toggle the torch on or off.


The app provides two main options – Except while in-call and Keep in memory. Enable the first option if you have problems with the light coming on during calls due to the screen turning on and off quickly and the second option shows a notification to make the service less likely to randomly kill the service.

ClickLight can be downloaded free from Play Store. The app may not work properly with all phones. If you find any issue, consider this app.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.