Redmi Note 7S is a 48MP camera phone. Launched in India last May, the budget device features latest offerings such as Android 9 Pie, FHD+ dot notch display (19.5:9 aspect ratio), Snapdragon 660 2.2GHz quad-core processor, dual primary camera, AI selfie camera, Nightscapes Mode, P2i coating (splash protection), and 4000mAh battery with Quick Charge 4 support.

Google camera app (GCam) is very popular with its HDR+ technology, highly acclaimed Night Sight mode, Lens Blur, Focus mode, Portrait mode, Super-Res Zoom, PhotoSphere, Panorama, Google Lens, AR Stickers, and more. Since the GCam won’t support non-Google phones, developers start porting the GCam app for unsupported devices.



Developers such as Arnova8G2, BSG, and Urnyx05 are porting the latest Google Camera app for other phones. Google Camera port is now available for Redmi Note 7S. Interested users can try it on their phone and see the differences between the stock MIUI camera and Google Camera.

If you are wondering how to download and install Google Camera port (GCam APK) on your Redmi Note 7S, you are in the right place. Since the phone comes with Camera2 API enabled, you don’t need root access on the phone. You can install GCam APK just like any app file.

Download Google Camera port for Redmi Note 7S

Because Google Camera is made for Pixel and Nexus phones only, it will not be work equally on all devices. It depends on phones hardware and other parameters.

Installation method for Redmi Note 7S

  • Download the GCam APK file from the link given above to your phone
  • Uninstall previously installed GCam (if installed)
  • Enable Unknown Sources from Security/Privacy settings menu
  • Go to where you saved the GCam apk, tap on it to install it.

After installing the GCam, you may make the following settings for best performance. Open your camera app, choose Gcam setting and then select Saturation adjustments.


For back camera, set Saturation 2.0 and shadow Saturation 2.0. For front camera, set the value to 2.0 and 1.3 respectively. Now, restart Gcam and see how the new camera app performs.


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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.