Advertised as the ’48MP camera beast’, Redmi Note 7 Pro brings impressive photos. With Google camera (Gcam), the phone can deliver crisp and clear photos in any environmental condition. Google Camera 6.2 Port (Gcam Mod 6.2) from Google Pixel 3 is available for Redmi Note 7 Pro with all features working.

Redmi Note 7 Pro is the latest smartphone from Xiaomi. It features a 48MP + 5MP AI Dual camera on the back and a 13MP camera on the front. Since Camera2 API is enabled in the Redmi Note 7 Pro, users do not need root access or any modification on the phone to install the Google Camera port (Gcam Mod).



Google Camera 6.2 is the latest version. It offers Night sight, HDR+, Super Res Zoom, and much more to bring crisp and clear photos. Here is how to install and configure Gcam Mod 6.2 on Redmi Note 7 Pro.

Download Google Camera (Gcam) for Redmi Note 7 pro

Several Google Camera ports (GCam Mod) are available for download for Redmi Note 7 Pro. Go to the GCam port repository to download the stable and beta version of the APK file.

Download GCam Mod 6.1 APK for Redmi Note 7 Pro

Download GCam Mod 6.2 APK for Redmi Note 7 Pro

Google Camera Port APKs

Installation and configuration

1. Open the File manager app, go to GCam Mod 6.2 APK and install it. Your phone may ask for permission. Just grant required permissions.

2. After installation, open GCam, swipe to right to open the settings, scroll down and open Saturation adjustments.


3. Change the saturation value to 2.0 and 2.4, for both front and rear camera (see screenshot). Now, restart Gcam and see how the new camera app performs.

Note: If you see yellow tint on the photo, disable the option ‘Pixel 3 AWB’ in GCam settings menu.

Note that Google Camera software is exclusive to Google Pixel and Nexus phone. The above-mentioned files are modified version, so it might be buggy and feel lag while using.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.