As you all know, the Android L Developer Preview is now available for Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 2013 (Wi-Fi version) devices. Though there is no official information as to when the stable Android L (Android 5.0) will roll out, the developer community has started their work to make the features available on it for other Android devices.

android l wallpaper


You can now download wallpapers and ringtones present in Android L developer preview and use them on any of your Android phone. While wallpapers comprise 11 high-resolution images, including the signature wallpaper, ringtones and alarm tones includes some nice tones.

If you are looking for the Android L wallpapers and ringtones for your smartphone, download wallpaper pack from here, and ringtones/alarm/alert tones from here.

Note: if you do not know how to apply these wallpapers properly (without cropping) on your Android phone, install a free app called “Image2wallpaper” from Play Store. It lets you sets the picture as wallpaper with or without resizing (source).

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.