The recently launched Google Pixel 2 and Pixel XL 2 come packed with top-tier hardware specs and new features. Google has also updated the Pixel Launcher on these devices with new dock search box along with other refinements. The popular Action Launcher (v29.0) bring Pixel 2 launcher dock search box feature to any Android phone with full customization options.

Interested users can bring Pixel 2/Pixel 2 XL look and feel on their device with the new Action launcher (v29.0). Google has redesigned the Pixel Launcher on Pixel 2. The notable change of updated Pixel launcher 2 is the placement of Google search box. It now moved from its historical top position down to the dock.


Action Launcher Bring Pixel 2 Style Bock Search Box to Any Phone

Action Launcher already has many Android 8.0 Oreo goodies like Adaptive Icon support, App shortcuts, Notification dots, etc. The new inclusion of dock search bar bring Pixel 2 look and feel to any Android phone, but it is a plus feature of the app (requires in-app purchase).

Besides the new search box, the latest version of Action Launcher has also included many refinements to the launcher. You can customize the already popular Quickbar with color, shape and shortcuts allowing you to make this search box yours.

What is new in Action Launcher v29.0?

– Pixel 2-style dock search box with customization option
– Google Now integration
– Weather widget
– Notification dots
– AdaptivePack integration
– Backwards compatible Adaptive Icon support via AdaptivePack.

Interested users can download latest version of Action Launcher from Play Store [HERE], but do remember that to get most features, including the new dock search bar, requires in-app purchases. (Source)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.