Tag: outlook
Setup Outlook.com to Receive Email as Push Notification on Android
Few days back, I had posted here a simple tutorial on how to configure Microsoft new webmail Outlook.com on Android and iOS devices to...
How to Configure Outlook Webmail on Android and IOS
A few weeks ago, Microsoft has renamed its well-known Hotmail webmail service to Outlook.com. It was not just a name change; it has something...
Add Gmail and Outlook Mail to Windows 8’s Mail app (How to)
Though the Mail app comes with Windows 8 is simple in nature and feature wise far-off from Outlook or Windows Live Mail, it lets...
Outlook Email Service: Import Your Gmail Contacts Into Outlook Address Book (How to)
Microsoft has recently renamed its email service to Outlook.com and it presents you with a cool, fluid metro interface. Have you just switched to...
Microsoft Unveiled New Outlook.com Email, How to Create an Outlook.com Email Alias
Microsoft just unveiled a preview of its new webmail service, which is officially called Outlook.com with a cleaner, more flexible Metro interface and social...
Evolution of Email (infographic)
Email has transformed the way we all interact – but how much do you really know about this omnipresent communication tool? See the infographics...