Tag: HTC
Get S-OFF Access to Your HTC One M8 Device (All Variants)
If you own a HTC One M8 and you are experimenting with your device, you have probably unlocked your bootloader. This enables you to...
Enable High Performance Mode on HTC One M8 (How to)
The recently launched HTC One M8 is full of specs both hardware and software basis. It powers a 2.3 GHz quad-core Snapdragon 801 processor...
One Click Unlock Bootloader Tool For Sony Xperia & HTC Android Devices (How to...
To install custom recovery, custom ROM or apps that require root access, you should first unlock the bootloader of your Android device, if it...
Switch Between Sense And HTC One Google Play Edition With Ease
HTC One is available in both Sense ROM and pure Vanilla Google Edition ROM (AOSP). While Sense ROM on the HTC One offers several...
Which Devices Will Get The Android 4.3 Update
Google has just unveiled the latest version of its Android operating system (Android 4.3 Jelly Bean) with a host of new features and performance...
Factory Reset HTC One Using Hardware Buttons (Quick Tip)
After tweaking your HTC One, if something went wrong or it became unresponsive or sluggish, or arose a persistent problem that cannot be solved,...