Tag: Giveaway
Limited time free giveaway of WinX DVD Ripper for Mac
A DVD ripper is a necessary software for copying contents of a DVD to a hard disk and converting them to other formats like...
Free 6 month trial of UpdateStar Premium edition
Every program contains bugs which pose potential threats to your computer. Thus, it is important that you regularly check patches or update and install...
Free download apps & games for iPhone
Looking for free applications for your iPhone...? The iPhone application portal FreeAppaDay may help you.
FreeAppaDay is similar to Giveaway of the day, which offers...
Grab O&O DiskImage 4 professional edition for free
To get the system up and running in the event of a system crash or hardware failure, you will require a good backup software.
Get Free 6 month trial of Webroot Spy Sweeper 2010
Spyware programs are getting more malicious by the day. They could install a variety of application DLLs on user’s computer that allows hackers to...
Iolo DriveScrubber giveaway (save $29.95)
If you like to sell your PC or want to restore your hard drive, pen drive or camera card like a new one after...