The open dangers on the internet can simply not be ignored and no computer user should be out there without effective protection. The only solution therefore is investing on a good antivirus program for your PC such as Bitdefender Internet Security.

Build on award-winning technology, the latest Bitdefender Internet Security 2013 ensures complete protection from malware (viruses, spyware, adware, rootkit, etc.), secure e-banking and e-shopping, online safety for kids, privacy protection on social networks like Facebook and more.


With first-rate protection, it requires not as much of system memory and meets the needs of computer beginners and very technical people alike. Its graphical user interface is designed to suit every category of users.


Once installed it puts itself into “autopilot” mode, which means, it applies an optimal security configuration and takes all security-related decisions for you. This means you will see no pop-ups, no alerts and you will not have to configure any settings whatsoever.

From the home screen, you can access main features of this security software quite easily. Each feature has its own shortcut to its settings screen as well as a number of quick options for starting a manual scan, accessing file shedder for secure file deletion, managing traffic through your network adapters, enabling Safego to prevent malware infection from Facebook and Twitter.

Below are the key features of Bitdefender Internet Security 2013:

• Defends against viruses, spyware, spam and ID-theft attempts
• Keeps kids safe with cutting-edge parental controls
• Guards your Wi-Fi connection with a two-way firewall
• Protects your privacy on social networks
• Gives advance warning of risky websites
• Windows 8 compatible

Safepay secure online transactions is one of the best features of this security suite. It is a protected browser, a sealed environment that is designed to keep your online banking, e-shopping and any other type of online transaction private and secure. By default, Bitdefender detects when you navigate to an online banking site or online shop in any browser on your computer and prompts you to launch it in Bitdefender Safepay.

With plenty of features and good protection, Bitdefender Antivirus is offering one of the great security programs available today. Bitdefender Interner Security operates quietly in the background, without interrupting what you are doing on your PC.

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Ishanvi is the content writer for She loves to share her knowledge with others through blogging.