The MIUI team has released MIUI 8.2 Global stable ROM for a range of Xiaomi Mi and Redmi phones with bug fixes, new features and enhancements. The update mainly focuses on bug fixes and optimizations, but it also includes new improved layout for toggles in the notification shade, full control over automated tasks and new system sounds and ringtones. However, note that MIUI 8.2 will not bring Android 7.0 Nougat to all devices.

Xiaomi starts rolling out MIUI 8.2 Global stable ROM OTA update for supported devices and users will get the update notification via the Updater app in the coming days. However, if your device’s bootloader is unlocked or if the device is rooted, you will not get the OTA update, but you can download the full ROM (Fastboot ROM) and install it manually.



The MIUI 8.2 Global stable ROM support device list includes: Mi Max/Prime, Mi 4i, Mi 3, Mi 4, Mi Note, Redmi 1S, Redmi Note 4G, Redmi 2/Prime, Redmi Note 3 Qualcomm, Redmi Note 4 MTK, Redmi Note 2, Redmi Note Prime, Mi 2/2S, Mi 5, Mi 5s, Mi 5s Plus, Redmi 3/Prime, Redmi 3S/Prime and Redmi Note 4 Qualcomm.

Main highlights of MIUI 8.2 Global Stable ROM:

– New improved layout for toggles in the Notification shade
– Get full control over automated tasks
– Brand new system sounds and ringtones

[Read full changelog at here]

If your device is in the update list, head over to ‘Updater’ app on your phone and check for new updates. If you prefer manual installation, then read on to know how it is.

How to Install MIUI 8.2 Global Stable ROM Manually

Recovery Method:

1. If your device is on stock recovery and stock ROM, you can download MIUI 8.2 Global Stable ROM recovery image for your device from here and flash manually via Updater app.

2. Follow this instruction to flash MIUI 8.2 recovery ROM manually.

Fastboot Method:

1. If your device’s bootloader is unlocked or rooted, you can flash the latest update via fastboot.

2. Download the fastboot ROM for your device from here and follow this installation instruction.

Note that fastboot method is a complicated process and would require working knowledge of fastboot and CMD commands. (Source – MIUI)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.