By the introduction of broadband technologies such as ADSL, OFC (optical fiber), VDSL, Wi-Fi, HSDPA, EV-DO, WiMAX, etc, the Internet access speeds are faster than ever today. Although, it depends on various factors, it may be sound interesting to know the average speed of Internet connections around the globe.

Based on 27 million downloads by 20 million different computers in 224 countries between January and June 2011, Pando Networks has come up with some surprising (and unsurprising) findings. According to the study, the average worldwide download speed is 580KBps.



As per the study, the average download speed in the U.S. is 616KBps, South Korea leading the list with a blazingly fast average speed of 2,202KBps, followed by Romania (1,909KBps) and Bulgaria (1,611KBps). In Germany, it is 647KBps, Australia at 348KBps, and China at 245KBps.

However, “the other end of the list is fairly unsurprising; developing nations in Africa and Asia trail far behind the speeds of those with more mature economies. The Congo has the absolute slowest average speed at 13KBps, followed closely by the Central African Republic at 14KBps and Comoros at 23KBps”.

[See the complete list here]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.