Xiaomi has launched a new smartphone under its budget lineup Redmi. The new Redmi Note 7 features 48MP rear camera, Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 processor, Android 9 Pie (MIUI 10) and 4000mAh battery. The Xaiomi Redmi Note 7 has included some nice looking abstract wallpapers as well. You can download them from below link, beatify your Android phones’s home screen, and lock screen.

A highlighted feature of Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 is its 48MP back camera and it uses Samsung GM1 sensor. Its brother Redmi Note 7 Pro features 48MP back camera and uses Sony IMX586 sensor. Of course, both smartphones will feature a dual AI camera setup (48MP + 5MP) and will deliver high quality photos.



Redmi Note 7 is the first phone released under Xiaomi’s new sub-brand and budget lineup Redmi. Under this new sub-brand, Xiaomi will release feature packed smartphones at affordable prices. Poco is another sub-brand of Xiaomi. Under this brand, Xiaomi releases top-end smartphones at affordable price.

A quick recap of Xiaomi Redmi Note 7:

Display: The Redmi Note 7 will feature 6.3-inch full HD+ display, water- drop notch design, 19.5:9 aspect ratio, 1080 x 2340 pixels, and Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection.

Processor: The Redmi Note 7 powers by Qualcomm SDM660 Snapdragon 660 processor and Adreno 512 GPU.

Memory/Storage: The Redmi Note 7 will be available in 64 GB, 4/6 GB RAM or 32 GB, 3 GB RAM options with up to 256 GB microSD card support.

Camera: The Redmi Note 7 features a dual AI camera setup (48MP + 5MP depth sensor) on the rear. For Selfie, the smartphone features 13MP camera with EIS and more.

Battery: The Redmi Note 7 powers 4000mAh battery

Download Redmi Note 7 Wallpapers

Xiaomi included a set of new wallpapers to customize the home screen and lock screen of Redmi Note 7. Official Redmi Note 7 wallpapers in abstract series are now available for download in HD resolution.


If you are interested, download all the wallpaper in zip format from here. Unzip the wallpaper pack zip file after downloading it. Set desired one as your phone’s home screen and lock screen wallpaper.

Note: If you are looking for other devices wallpapers, check our wallpaper download section.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.