Are you a programmer? An idea just struck you while sitting in a subway or on a bus or just waiting, and thinking about your new project? But not sure, if the code is really, as you think it should be? Now you can check your code in your Android phone and keep thinking from anywhere with Touchqode android app. Touchqode Touchqode Android app supports Java, HTML, JavaScript, Python, C++, C#, Ruby and PHP languages and the pro version offers more features such as GitHub support, bash and arrows.

What is interesting in it is that it lets you search through, edit and fix your source code from anywhere and anytime. It supports Android 1.5 and above phones and comes with syntax highlighting, autocomplete and other features just as in your  desktop IDE.


Watch a brief video demo of Touchqode source code editor for android mobile phones.

You can download Touchqode from Android Market

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.