There are many iPhone’s Siri like personal assistant applications available for Android smartphone, but feature wise none of them will come near close to Siri. To overcome this situation, an XDA forum member comes up with a new personal assistant application for Android called Mira.



Mira is still under development stage and feature wise now very basic, but the development toward a full and finished product has been very apparent in the nearly constant updates provided by developers.

Some of the features Mira currently have:

  • Please ask if you want to have more information about Sara
  • Database and algorithm is served offline
  • Database is at the time very small
  • Works offline with a text box
  • Learns your name
  • Can grab weather information
  • Can grab location information
  • Ask her for the time
  • Many more functions going to be included


Interested readers can get more details and promotional video about Mira here. You can also download the beta version of Mira from the same page. [Via]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


  1. I was searching Siri like apps for Android and m not surprised see just another Siri copy. In this cas ‘myBantu’ – Siri for Android, with its personalized and relevance technology still stands out from all these new crappy apps.

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