Android is the most widely used, terrific mobile operating system by Google. It is mainly because everyone can find an Android powered device that suits their needs and budget. Also, the OS is getting better and better day by day with useful features. If you are interested in Android and want to learn its features and making a sample app, there is an app called Google Android Info to help you.

The Google Android Info app learns you about the basics of Android, its history, features and special features that set Android apart from iOS. In addition to all that, this app even assists you to make sample app by yourself with some sample source code, which you can test on your device.


Of course, the Android operating system needs certain knowledge and readings to understand its libraries, APIs, Dalvik architecture, and many other things, but if you are interested in Android, you surely like this application.


The app features the following: What is Android, Android history, Android Special Features and Android Sample App creation. The developer has promising to release new version of the app soon by adding more information about Android.

You can download the app from Play Store [Via – XDA]

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.