Google has updated its Google Docs app for Android with two new features. Now you can access your Google Docs files offline on your Android device and experience a better document reading on Tablets. To make it available offline, just select any file in Google Docs and it will always available for you, no matter whether you are connected to the internet.

What’s more, its auto update feature updates your offline files automatically when you’re on Wi-Fi. You can also update files manually anytime when you have a data connection by just opening the file or tapping ‘Update’ from the Offline section of the app.Google-Docs-for-Android


On Android tablets, now you can experience an enhanced document reading. While you are online, now you’ll get a high-resolution version of the document, and you can swipe left and right to flip between pages, or use the slider at the bottom to page ahead quickly. (Via)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.