Want to tryout the much-talked Facebook Home before its release? A pre-release version of Facebook Home APK has leaked on the internet, which works well on Android devices like Nexus 4. If you haven’t heard Facebook Home before, it is essentially a launcher app with Facebook centric features for Android devices, which is scheduled to release on April 12 on Play Store.

Paul at Modaco has published the APK for Facebook Home (extracted from a pre-release HTC First ROM), which you can install on your Android phone, if it meets below requirements.


In order to use the leak, you need an Android device with a maximum resolution of 1280×768 and the ability to completely uninstall your existing Facebook app. This is important, as the leaked APKs are re-signed and can’t just be installed over the top of an existing installation. This will automatically exclude some devices, which have Facebook installed in the base ROM.


The leaked Facebook Home consists three APKs – The main Facebook app (‘katana’), the now-integrated-with-your-SMS Messenger app (orca) and the Home / Launcher ‘shell’ app (home). Simply install all three; however do at your own risk.

If you are interested, you can download the APKs  from his site Modaco here or wait for the official release.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.