Lenovo A7000 owners can now enjoy Android 7.1 via Pixel UI AOSP custom ROM. As it name implies, the Pixel UI AOSP (Android Open source Project) ROM brings full Google Pixel experience to Lenovo A7000, such as Pixel launcher with app shortcut, swipe up app drawer and pull up Google search button, Google Assistant, Blue theme and many others. If you are interested, check out the installation instruction below.

In this guide, we let you how to update Lenovo A7000 to Android 7.1 Nougat via Pixel UI AOSP custom ROM. Before start, note that the ROM status is Beta, which means the ROM is unstable and contains bugs that are not yet identified. Though most things are working (except offline charging screen messed up and some sensor does not works), the ROM is not yet ready to be used as a daily driver.



However, if you ready to face certain issues, you can experience Android 7.1 Nougat along with Pixel features on your Lenovo A7000 right now. To get this build on your device follow the steps below.

The below guide assume that you have root access and latest version of TWRP recovery (v3…) on your device (refer this guide). Create a backup of data you have on your phone before you jump to the guide.

How to Install Pixel UI AOSP ROM on Lenovo A7000

Disclaimer: Follow the instruction at your own risk. We will not be liable if any damage occurs to your device and/or its components. This is recommended for technically talented users only.

1. Download the Pixel UI AOSP ROM for Lenovo 7000 from development page [HERE] (the ROM comes with Gapps pre-installed)

2. Transfer the ROM zip files to your phone’s storage

3. Boot your device into TWRP Recovery mode (Switch off, press and hold Volume down, Volume up & Power button together)

4. In TWRP recovery, select ‘Backup’ and make a Nandroid backup (recommended)

5. Now, select ‘Wipe’ and then go to Advanced Wipe > select wipe cache, dalvik cache, system, data and swipe right to confirm it.

6. Now, go to main recovery menu, select ‘Install’, choose the ROM zip file and swipe to install it. Once done, reboot your device.

Your Lenovo A7000 will boot into Android 7.1 custom ROM. Setup and enjoy. Leave your views in the comment section below. (Source – HDHR)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.