Sometimes, you may want to remove audio from a video before sharing it on WhatsApp, Telegram, or Signal Private Messenger. WhatsApp introduces a mute option to eliminate audio from video, so you can send a video without background noise or other audio annoyances to group or contact or add it to your Status.

In case you do not know how to remove audio from a video before adding it on your WhatsApp chat or your Status, check the guide below. Currently, the sound mute feature is available with the latest WhatsApp version for Android (v2.21.4.22). For iOS users, it might get soon.


To get rid of sound from videos before sending them to your WhatsApp contacts or group, follow the steps below.

Steps to Remove Sound from Video on WhatsApp

Step 1: Open WhatsApp and choose a contact or group you want to send a video without audio.

Step 2: Tap on the attachment icon and select the video from your gallery.

Step 3: Next, on the video editing screen, and under the seek video, you will see a speaker icon.

Step 4: Tap on the speaker icon to mute audio, and you can send the video right away.

Steps to remove sound from video before sending on WhatsApp
Remove sound from video before sending on WhatsApp

If you don’t see the speaker icon, check for any updates available for your WhatsApp. Alternatively, you can use the Google Photos app for Android to remove sound from video. For iPhone users, the Gallery app on iOS has a feature to mute audio from video. See this article for details.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.