After a long wait, finally official Xposed framework for Android Nougat is released. Xposed framework and installer for Android 7.0 and 7.1 is now ready for download, which you can install on a rooted device via custom recovery like TWRP. Thanks to the developer @rovo89, the latest version of framework supports almost all rooted Android devices runs Android 7.0 and 7.1.

In this quick tutorial, we will show you exactly how to install Xposed framework on Android Nougat 7.0/7.1. You will need to flash Xposed framework SDK 24 for 7.0 Nougat and SDK 25 for 7.1 Nougat via TWRP. You will also need install the latest Xposed Installer APK (v3.1.2) to use the various modules. All are described below.


Official Xposed Framework Released for Nougat 7.0/7.1

For your information, unofficial build of Xposed Framework by PurifyOS is already there for Nougat 7.0 – 7.1.2, but it was not fully compatible with all devices. Now, the official build fully support Nougat’s Android Runtime (ART) and works with almost all devices.

Why Xposed Framework: Beginners may need to know about Xposed framework. It is a clever little app that lets you easily add various useful functions and change look of your phone via modules without flashing a custom ROM.

For example, you can add multi-window feature, change IMEI number, enable always-expanded notification bar, add new Android features on older phones, etc.

If you are one of those who like Xposed framework, you can install the official Xposed framework right away on Nougat devices (Android 7.0 – 7.1). The below guide explain the installation procedure for Xposed framework on Nougat. It requires root access and TWRP recovery installed on the phone

How To Install Official Xposed on Nougat (Android 7.0 – 7.1)

Based on your phone’s CPU architecture, there are three different versions of the Xposed Framework for Android Nougat devices. So, check CPU architecture (ARM64, ARMv7, x86) before downloading the Framework. Install the Droid Hardware Info app from Play store and identify your CPU architecture.

Official Xposed Framework Released for Nougat 7.0/7.1

a) Download Xposed framework zip file for Nougat 7.0 (SDK24) from here and for Android 7.1 SDK 25 from here (choose your device processor type: 32-bit /64-bit / x86)

b) Download Xposed framework installer APK (v3.1.2) from here.

1. Save the downloaded files (zip file and APK file) on your phone.

2. Enable ‘Unknown sources’ on your phone by going to Settings -> Security.

3. Boot your phone into TWRP recovery, select ‘Install’ and flash the Xposed Framework zip file. Then reboot your phone.

4. Now, install the Xposed framework installer APK file just like a normal Android app. That’s it.

Verify the Xposed framework installed on your device by opening the Xposed app from your app drawer. Now you can download required Xposed module APKs from Xposed download repository [HERE] and install on your phone (Source – XDA)

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.


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