The disk cleanup utility, which is comes in all current versions of Windows lets you remove various kinds of accumulated junk from the Windows system. In the latest Windows 8, this utility has an additional function to remove outdated Windows updates, so you can save hundreds of megabytes of disk space and get rid of out of space error.

Windows 7 and earlier versions of Windows has no Windows update cleanup function, but Microsoft now added that option in the Disk Cleanup wizard in Windows 7 SP1. It is available as Windows update. You can install this feature as an add-on in the disk cleanup utility for Windows 7 SP1 to remove outdated updates accumulated over several months.


Download the update from It is available for both Windows 7SP1 32-bit and Windows 64-bit versions. After installing the update (KB2852386), you can start the Disk Cleanup wizard from the start menu.

You can start Disk Cleanup wizard either by going to All Programs – Accessories – System Tools – Disk Cleanup or click Start, type cleanmgr in the Start Search box, and then click OK.

Also, if a Low Disk Space notification appears, click the notification to open the Disk Cleanup wizard.


Once started the wizard, select Windows 7 system drive (usually C), and then click OK. Now click “Clean up system files” tab, then click OK.


Select Windows Update Cleanup (by default it is selected), and then click OK, then click Delete Files. That’s it.

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Ishanvi is the content writer for She loves to share her knowledge with others through blogging.