There might have many situations that you want to take notes during a phone call. Picking a pen and paper while on the phone call is not always viable, so your smartphone itself might be an alternate solution for taking notes during a call. This guide shows you how to take notes during a phone call on Android phone.

Users who want to jot down notes on their Android phone while taking a phone call needs to install an app called NOTEify. This little, free app enables you to take notes when a specified contact makes a call to you, which means you will never miss important details while on the phone.



NOTEify Installation and Settings:

1. NOTEify is a free download [HERE] on Play Store. When you first open the app, you will asked to sync contacts with the app (only synced contacts work with the app). Once the sync completed, you will be taken to app’s main page.

2. From its main page, tap menu and select Settings. Enable the “Activate Notes” option to activate the app and “Auto Save Notes” option to auto save your notes.

How to write notes?

1. When a phone call is in progress, your keyboard will appear on the screen allowing you to write notes.

2. Once the phone call is over, select where to save the notes to or export it to other applications, if necessary. The sharing option lets you share your notes with friends and family.

NOTEify is certainly a brilliant solution for taking notes while you on phone calls. Your notes can be saved within the app for later use, where they can be saved to the cloud or simply shared with others.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.