If you have problems after installing Internet Explorer 8 on your Windows XP or Vista machine or simply want to uninstall or remove it from your Windows 7computer, there is a free tool called UninstallIE8.MSI developed by Microsoft Fix It team. This tool is an automated uninstaller and helps you to safely remove Internet Explorer 8 from your computer.
When you remove Internet Explorer 8, your earlier version of Internet Explorer is restored with your customizations such as add-ins, Favorites, and your home page.
However, Internet Explorer 8 is a part of Windows 7. Therefore, if you remove Internet Explorer 8, you will have to install a third-party browser like Firefox.
The complete details and downloads available from this page. To remove Internet Explorer 8 automatically, click the Fix this problem link. Then click Run in the File Download dialog box, and follow the steps in this wizard.
i am a firefox user more than an internet explorer user, but it seems that Internet explorer 8 is very stable and its loading time for web pages is faster too.