WhatsApp has a number of features to enhance the users experience while also helping to protect the privacy and security of its users. The new filters and background effects feature for video calls allows you to hide your surroundings as well as add fun to your WhatsApp video calls.


The filters and background options for WhatsApp video calls allows you to hide your surroundings during a video call. You can use this AI-powered feature to keep your calling place private when you are in a group video call or a one-on-one call. You can also use this feature for a more personal touch.


You can select and mix more than ten filters and backgrounds to create a unique look for your WhatsApp video calls. This feature allows you to discreetly hide your surroundings for both group call and one-on-one call. To hide your surroundings during a WhatsApp video call, follow these steps:

How to Hide Your Surroundings During WhatsApp Video Call?

Hide your surroundings during WhatsApp video call

1. First, ensure your WhatsApp app is up to date on either Android or iOS.

2. Start or receive a WhatsApp video call. You will see a small “Magic wand” icon in the right corner of your screen.

3. Tap this icon to access the available Effects, Filters, and Background options.

4. To hide your surroundings, select the “Background” option and choose an appropriate background image from the list provided.

5. Alternatively, you can choose the “Blur” option to hide your actual environment.

6. Your selected background or blur effect will instantly apply to your video feed, and all participants on the call will see your new background in real-time.

This feature allows you to maintain privacy and control the visual environment during your WhatsApp video conversations.

Effects, Filters and Background Features for WhatsApp Video Call

At the time of writing, WhatsApp offers a variety of background options to choose from for your video feed, including Blur, Living room, Office, Cafe, Pebbles, Foodie, Smoosh, Beach, Sunset, Celebration, and Forest.

In addition to backgrounds, the app also provides a selection of filters that can be applied to your video, such as Warm, Cool, Black & White, Light leak, Dreamy, Prism light, Fisheye, Vintage TV, Frosted glass, and Duotone.

To make your WhatsApp video calls more engaging and personalized, you can experiment with combining different background images and filters. This can be a fun way to liven up conversations and get creative with family and friends.

WhatsApp also has an “Effects” option that lets you add fun things to your face and video background. There are also “Touch up” and “Low light” options that can naturally enhance the look and brightness of your video. This can help you feel more confident and comfortable during your video calls, making them more vibrant and enjoyable.

Remember, the ability to customize your video feed can help you feel more comfortable and in control of your virtual environment during video calls.

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Kannan is a computer and Android enthusiast, a blogger by passion and a tech freak. His always ready-to-help attitude, knowledge and hard work is what drives him.